Indian cricket legend Virender Sehwag, celebrated for his explosive batting and two triple centuries in Tests, has recently found himself at the center of social media buzz, not for his on-field exploits but for speculations regarding his personal life. According to a report by Hindustan Times, Sehwag and his wife Aarti Sehwag, who have been married since December 2004, are allegedly living separately, with rumors suggesting that divorce might be on the horizon.
No Official Statement Yet
The couple, who share two sons—Aryavir (born in 2007) and Vedant (born in 2010)—have not issued any official statement in response to the report. Social media users were quick to notice the lack of recent photos of Aarti on Sehwag’s Instagram profile, which only features older pictures of the couple. Adding fuel to the rumors, Sehwag does not follow Aarti on Instagram, and her profile is currently set to private.
As of now, these claims remain unverified, and the public awaits clarification from either party.
A Family Legacy in Cricket
Amid the speculation, Sehwag has continued to engage with his audience on social media, showcasing his characteristic wit and pride in his children. In November 2024, Sehwag took to X (formerly Twitter) to acknowledge a remarkable performance by his elder son Aaryavir, who scored an extraordinary 297 runs off 309 balls for Delhi against Meghalaya in the Cooch Behar Trophy.
“Well played Aaryavir. Missed a Ferrari by 23 runs. Well done! Keep the passion burning, and may you go on to score countless daddy hundreds, double centuries, and even triples.”
This comment referenced an interview Sehwag gave in 2015, where he vowed to gift his sons a Ferrari if they ever surpassed his career-best score of 319.
Social Media Frenzy
The contrast between the heartwarming Ferrari anecdote and the reports of Sehwag’s personal struggles has left fans in a mix of emotions. While some reminisced about Sehwag’s legendary cricketing career, others expressed hope for a resolution between the couple.
Awaiting Clarity
Until further updates or statements emerge, the speculation regarding Virender and Aarti Sehwag’s relationship remains just that—unconfirmed. Fans and followers continue to send their support to one of India’s most beloved cricketers, hoping for clarity and resolution in due course.